Playground Closed

The children’s play area will be temporarily closed. The large wooden play structure has a main support beam that to a layperson’s eye seems to be significantly splintering. We have contacted the vendor that installed this for our community to perform a certified safety inspection and/or any repair needed. Due to scheduling constraints, the earliest they can visit is in mid to late January 2022. Since the equipment was only installed 5 years ago, and is still under warranty, it is most prudent to wait these few weeks for them rather than seek out another vendor just yet.

In addition to the above, the Board was informed by a concerned homeowner at our latest monthly meeting that there is a considerable amount of ant activity throughout the play area. Anecdotally, a volunteer teenager that assisted the Board in applying the security tape to the playground entrance quickly confirmed that this was indeed the case as he was stung shortly after approaching the play structure. Given this situation, we hope to also make the most of this closure time to have our community’s pest control vendor treat the ant problem as thoroughly as possible.

Please continue to check in right here at the website for any updates.