Playground Status

We finally have some good news regarding the children’s playground area!

As we shared at the latest monthly meeting, the Board was left with no choice but to part ways with the original vendor that had installed our playground equipment and had been postponing the repair for several months now. If you recall, the reasons sounded quite valid early on, and continued to do so until recently, yet we determined that waiting any longer was simply not going to be acceptable. Ultimately, over the last couple months we obtained quotes from multiple vendors for new equipment, and are happy to share that our new set will be a wooden commercial-grade ADA-approved playset with considerably more activities than the current unit had. The installation is scheduled to be completed by mid-July.

At the suggestion of some homeowners, we did also obtain multiple quotes for the modern powder-coated metal sets seen at city parks and larger communities, but unfortunately these are many times more expensive for smaller sets than what we already had, and reaching six figures for ones worth having, in addition they take several months after ordering before they are ultimately installed. This being the case, the Board voted to proceed with a much nicer (albeit wooden) unit, that can fit our current budget without requiring a special assessment from all homeowners to cover the costs as a metal one would require, and that can be installed in a matter of a few more weeks, not months.

Please continue to check in right here at the website for any updates.